
Isolated Rise in GGT in Asymptomatic Adults

Isolated Rise in GGT in Asymptomatic Adults

GGT is a sensitive marker of liver disease but it is not
specific. It is mainly of use for establishing the likely origin of an
elevated ALP.

  • When raised in isolation it can be suggestive of alcohol excess (especially if raised MCV) or NAFLD.
  • Please note that there is no current evidence base with which to
    guide the investigation and management of an isolated raised GGT. This
    guideline has therefore been produced by local experts purely to offer
    guidance to local GPs.

GGT & Alcohol

  • GGT is neither a sensitive nor a specific marker of alcohol misuse,
    although changes in GGT associated with a clear history of alcohol
    misuse can be used to monitor abstinence, assuming that no liver disease
    is present.
  • If alcohol is suspected to be the reason for an elevated GGT then
    patients should be asked to abstain from alcohol for at least 4 weeks
    before a repeat GGT is measured. Please note that in those with hepatic
    damage (particularly cirrhosis) their GGT may take longer to fall after
    abstinence or may never return to normal.