

This page was last reviewed 21-05-20


A diagnosis of pneumoconiosis is usually suggested to a GP on the radiology report.  The relevant occupational exposures need to be discussed. 

Diagnoses to consider include coal workers pneumoconiosis, silicosis and asbestosis.

Coal workers Pneumoconiosis

The effects of the inhalation of coal dust on the lung can result in the development of :

  • simple coal workers pneumoconiosis (SCWP),
  • progressive massive fibrosis (PMF: a radiological definition)
  • silicosis (certain collieries mined coal with a high silica content). 

Inhalation of substantial quantities of coal dust also predisposes to the development and progression of COPD. 

SCWP is not associated with respiratory disability or lung function impairment and if these are present an alternative diagnosis should be considered such as COPD. 

Refer cases of SCWP when the cause of respiratory symptoms or abnormal lung function is unclear.

PMF may be associated with both symptoms and abnormal lung function; however, it is important to consider a diagnosis of COPD. 

In certain circumstances COPD occurring in coal miners may be a prescribed disease and specialist advice should be sought in such cases.