
Fit for Health – Physical Activity

Fit for Health is a physical activity programme delivered by Edinburgh Leisure in partnership with Edinburgh Health and Social Care partnership
Patients must be registered with an Edinburgh GP Practice, aged 16+ and be safe, able and motivated to exercise
Classes are delivered within Edinburgh Leisure venues.

Who to refer:

Patients must be registered with an Edinburgh GP Practice, aged 16+ and be safe, able and motivated to exercise

You can refer patients who meet one or more of the following health conditions:

Cardiovascular Disease

Peripheral Artery Disease; Coronary Artery Disease; high Blood Pressure (stable and medicated); high Cholesterol (medicated); previous MI (6 months post event or completion of cardiac rehabilitation)
Respiratory Disease

Stable COPD (not during exacerbation); controlled Asthma; Other stable long term respiratory diseases
Diabetes & Pre Diabetes

Type 1 & Type 2 (stable and controlled) At risk of developing Diabetes (referrer to base this on knowledge of the individual’s risk factors)
Heart Failure 
Chronic Pain Management

Chronic Pain (i.e.  lasting for 1 year + ) for which exercise could have a beneficial impact on physical and/or  psychological functioning
Liver Disease

Non-alcoholic fatty liver tissue disease, and other chronic liver conditions whereby improved physical activity could improve psychological and /or psychological functioning

Before, during and up to 5 years post treatment; stable and controlled cardiac & respiratory conditions; no reports of black outs or drop attacks; no unstable or acute neurological conditionPrecautions – recent surgery (within the last 12 weeks); Bony metastasis; Peripheral Neuropathy; Osteoporosis; Avascular Necrosis; Balance problems; Impaired cognition limiting the ability to follow simple instructions

Any arthritic condition for which exercise supports rehabilitation, improved conditioning and increased ability to self manage e.g. osteoarthritis 

Who not to refer:

  • Patients on medication with side effects that may be impacted by physical activity
  • Any unstable condition which could be negatively exacerbated by participation
  • Cognitive impairment or mental health problems to a degree which makes participation significantly difficult
  • Patients with learning difficulties which impacts in their ability to participate (carers are welcome to support)
  • Obesity only (should be referred via Weight Management pathway)

How to refer:

Fit for Health Development Officer      0131 458 2100 or email Lothian.Fitforhealth@nhs.net