
OA Hand, Wrist & Thumb

​Joint inflammation is indicated by pain, swelling, stiffness and loss of function, that can result from degenerative osteoarthritis (OA). This commonly affects the thumb base CMC joints and the DIP joints (Heberden’s nodes) or PIP joints (Bouchard’s nodes) of the fingers. Middle age and older adults are predominantly affected although other risk factors include previous major or repetitive joint trauma or joint instability. Management is primarily conservative, making use of rest, anti-inflammatory medications and splints for use at night and during specific activities. Physiotherapy is often helpful.  X-rays should be performed to confirm diagnosis before referring to physiotherapy.

What we will see:

  • Diagnosis confirmed with x-ray by GP
  • Pain management or functional difficulties

What we won’t see:

  • Diagnostic difficulties
  • Analgesia: oral +/- topical
  • Splints: See resources and link section
  • Education: See resources and links section
  • Activity modification: See resources and links section
  • NHS Lothian Virtual Hand Unit Website was developed in 2021 with the aim of improving the information provided to patients following referral, and to avoid unnecessary face to face appointments. The information is intended to compliment what patients are told in clinic and offer a trusted source of information Osteoarthritis in the Hand – Lothian Virtual Hand Clinic
  • The British Society for Surgery of the Hand website provides a wealth of information for patients and medical professionals on hand conditions including injuries and disorders, hand surgery and hand therapy.  https://www.bssh.ac.uk/conditionsthumb base OA.
  • The British Association of Hand Therapists (BAHT) is a registered UK charity and clinical interest group for anyone interested in the rehabilitation of hands, with a dedicated patient section on hand injuries and disorders  https://www.hand-therapy.co.uk/

Useful Hand and Thumb OA Patient Videos

St John’s Hand Therapy Team OA Thumb Video  https://vimeo.com/482676602

“Hand exercises | Hand Osteoarthritis” on YouTube  https://youtu.be/MKqbN_pnz8c 

“House and Garden Aids | Hand Osteoarthritis” on YouTube  https://youtu.be/j6pbNOyTRcg 

“Splints Demonstration and Explanation | Hand Osteoarthritis” on YouTube https://youtu.be/U_8foTx1Nbo 

“Patient’s Story | Hand Osteoarthritis” on YouTube  https://youtu.be/3jhqCdkB5GQ 

“Kitchen Aids” on YouTube  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JAUN_Ans778