
Physio@Home (Edinburgh)


The aim is to provide a specialist physiotherapy service within the home setting. 

Who to Refer:​

The Physio @ Home Service is for patients who cannot be seen in any other setting.

Patients must fulfil one or more of the following criteria to be eligible for a home visit

  • Housebound
  • Unable to attend clinic by any method

Other extenuating circumstances, as discussed between the referrer and the service

Who not to Refer:

Exclusion Criteria

The Physio@Home Service are unable to accept referrals for patients who:

  • are currently receiving treatment from physiotherapy in another NHS establishment (e.g. Day Hospital).
  • have received physiotherapy input for the same problem within the last year from any NHS establishment.

How to refer:

Referrals can be made via SCI Gateway

AHP – Physiotherapy

Edinburgh – Astley Ainslie Hospital 

L Physiotherapy Physio @ Home

Adult Self-Referral form for Walking Aid Assessment, Edinburgh

Physiotherapist Prioritisation Criteria

The following guidelines are for the benefit of Consultants, GPs, and other health professionals referring patients to the Physiotherapy Service.

All patients should be assessed in person by the referrer and consented for the referral.

It is recognised that certain groups of patients are going to need to be seen sooner than others.

Professional judgement based upon reliable information will determine the urgency required in seeking an early physiotherapy appointment.

The allocation, however, will be according to clinical judgement and discretion of the physiotherapy service.

Patients presenting with one of the following criteria and are at risk of deteriorating are considered to be acute and therefore need urgent appointments:

  • Recent fractures, joint replacements and recent hospital discharges where early input required
  • Acute and severe LBP
  • Acute fall with injury or complex medical history
  • Acute pain of musculoskeletal nature, if affecting functional activity
  • Some acute respiratory infections (If the patient presents with COPD please refer to Community Respiratory Team
  • Patients with complex postural management needs, at risk of deterioration

In the event of an acute/urgent referral, we will endeavour to offer an appointment within 4-6 working weeks (i.e. including weekends), subject to external constraints imposed upon the department concerned, e.g. waiting lists, staffing shortages, etc.

If you want to discuss a referral please contact our Professional Line by phone

(North: 07890531695, South: 07890532988). Please note this line is manned by physiotherapists also carrying out visits so they will get back to you when able.

All other patient referrals will be categorised as routine.

Routine referrals will be contacted within 12 weeks.

Printable poster – referral guidance for GPs

Claire Easton, Physio@Home Service Lead, claire.easton@nhslothian.scot.nhs.uk