
Mental Health after COVID Hospitalisation (MACH)


This service is for individuals who received hospital treatment for Covid-19 within NHS Lothian and who have ongoing symptoms of psychological distress related to this.

Our service aims to support individuals who have ongoing low mood, anxiety or post-traumatic symptoms and who may also be experiencing fatigue and cognitive difficulties, as part of a Scottish Government funded initiative.

As well as taking referrals, the service runs a proactive screen and treat programme following a standard operating procedure in line with the Scottish Government MACH group.

  1. All patients who have been hospitalised due to covid are sent a screening questionnaire pack at 3-6 months after discharge from hospital, with a further follow-up at 12 months. Patients referred to the service will also be sent a questionnaire pack.
  2. Patients who appear to have ongoing difficulties (using pre-determined cut-offs) will be offered an assessment.
  3. Following this initial assessment session, patients may be given self-management information, referred to third sector or other NHS services, and/or be offered further treatment by the MACH service.

What interventions does the service offer?

A multi-disciplinary approach is used within the service, in order to provide a holistic and integrated treatment pathway.

Group Sessions

Most patients are initially offered group intervention. Group sessions deliver psychoeducation on common symptoms experienced post-covid, such as anxiety, low mood, brain fog and fatigue. They provide participants with skills and techniques to manage these symptoms. Group discussion and peer support are encouraged to facilitate participants’ psychological recovery.

1-to-1 Psychological Intervention

Brief 1:1 therapeutic input is offered to those with more complex presentations, post-traumatic symptoms, and those who require further input following group sessions for work on adjustment and coping. Further exploration of cognitive difficulties is also offered if indicated.

Occupational Therapy

The occupational therapist carries out assessments of a person’s occupational function, determines adaptations required, and promotes engagement both at home and at work.


Psychiatric assessments, including discussion of pharmacological options, are offered to those with more complex physical comorbidities, mental health conditions and insomnia.

Contact information:

Tel: 0131 537 9128

Email: loth.covid19mht@nhslothian.scot.nhs.uk (health professionals only)

Address: Clinical Psychology and Neuropsychology, Astley Ainslie Hospital, 133 Grange Loan, Edinburgh EH9 2HL

​Who can refer:

Referrals will be considered from all professionals. Patients can also self-refer, if they meet referral criteria, by contacting the MACH team by telephone (0131 537 9128).

Who to refer:

Individuals who received hospital treatment for Covid-19 within NHS Lothian, and fulfil the following criteria:

1.         Referrals will be considered from all professionals. Patients can also self-refer, if they meet referral criteria, by contacting the MACH team by telephone (0131 537 9128). 

2.         Over 16 at time of admission

Please note, people who meet these criteria and have a current diagnosis of learning disability, dementia or reside in a care home may be best offered support on a consultancy basis by our service – please contact the team to discuss further.

Who not to refer:

Unfortunately, the MACH service is  unable to offer support to those who have ongoing symptoms and did not receive hospital treatment for Covid-19. This includes individuals who received an ‘incidental’ positive Covid-19 diagnosis during an admission for another reason.

How to refer:

Referrals should be emailed to loth.covid19mht@heatherlevy