
Ovarian Cyst

USS features

*Can be divided into those demonstrating benign (reassuring) features or malignant (suspicious features).  IOTA group rules for classification of ovarian masses.

Benign/More reassuring Features (Simple)Malignant/Suspicious Features
Unilocular cystsMultilocular cysts
Diameter <10cmDiameter >10cm
Minimal solid component <7mmSolid component >7mm
Smooth outlineIrregular outline
Acoustic Shadowing indicating dermoidFeatures not indicative of dermoid
No blood flowProminent blood flow on Doppler
No/Little fluidAscites

Who to refer:

Women with ovarian pathology identified on USS arranged via primary care (see flow chart). 

Who not to refer:

 This guideline relates to women in whom ovarian pathology has been identified on USS.  It does not relate to women presenting with acute symptoms in which a diagnosis of an ovarian cyst accident is suspected.  In such cases, patients should be discussed with the on-call gynaecologist

How to refer:

Sci-Gateway > RIE > Gynaecology > Ovarian Pathology

Measure CA125 (not during menstruation) for women with complex cystic/solid tumour suspicious for malignancy

RCOG Green-top Guideline No. 62.  Ovarian Masses in Premenopausal Women, Management of Suspected


RCOG Green-top Guideline No. 34 Ovarian Cysts in Postmenopausal Women https://www.rcog.org.uk/en/guidelines-research-services/guidelines/gtg34/