
Useful Resources

1.How to make a good referral guidance documents

The guidance documents below are intended to support new referrers as a friendly and helpful reminder of points to consider while making a referral. The guidance has been developed after careful consideration of the information and clinical opinion available to the RefHelp Team and approved by the NHS Lothian Interface Group. Whilst it has been produced with significant input from clinicians, it provides general advice and tips only and does not replace any part of a clinician’s responsibility to assess each clinical case on its own merits, when exercising their clinical judgement to refer or not and this includes patient’s choice. This guidance is not intended to be used as a performance management resource.

We hope you find these resources useful. For any issues or queries please contact us at REFHELP@nhslothian.scot.nhs.uk

Referral Guidance & Tips

Referral Checklist

2. Remote Consulting

Remote consulting is an effective and convenient way to access health and social care services safely and securely. It also offers more choice and flexibility, saving time and reducing travel. Remote consulting should be part of a suite of options enabling choice to suit individual needs and circumstances.

The learning material and resources available below is to assist health and social care providers offer remote consultations as part of business as usual service provision to the people of Scotland.

Remote Consulting

3. Ways to Engage

RefHelp is a resource for both primary and secondary care. Here are ways you can engage with us or use our services: 5 ways to engage with RefHelp for Secondary Care

4. Useful Contact List

This document has been created by one of our Referral Advisors primarily for Locums. Although all Clinicians may find some useful contacts/information in this Contact List.

RefHelp Information for Locums