All plain x-ray requests now need to be scheduled in by the patient phoning the appropriate department.
In Radiology, we remain extremely grateful to you for using electronic requesting and the phone booking system. This has significantly improved how we deal with the large number of requests we receive and has improved the efficiency of the X-ray departments. Please follow the following guidance for requesting Plain X-rays:
- The electronic referral MUST be made before a patient phones for an appointment
- The referrer must select the correct priority (Routine or Urgent) on the electronic referral before it can be sent. The majority of referrals will be Routine, however in certain circumstances (see below) the Referral should be requested as Urgent.
- Please ask the patient/carer to wait ONE WORKING DAY after submission of a referral before phoning for an appointment. This is because all x-ray requests must be vetted in accordance with IRMER rules
- Patients MUST phone the department to arrange an appointment, they should not present themselves to x-ray departments as they used to be able to. This may need to be explained clearly to patients who previously last attended for x-rays when walk-in was the system.
- Patients may have to wait several days for an appointment or be asked to attend another site for an alternative appointment.
- Please remember that Children under 16 should attend either the Royal Hospital for Children and Young People or St John’s Hospital for Plain x-rays.
- Patients MUST phone within 30 day of the referral being made (unless a follow up film has been recommended beyond the standard 4 weeks. Please see the Radiology page for more information regarding the arrangements in such cases).

Where it is appropriate, the following forms may be helpful to GPs. They can be handed directly to the patient and lay out the current arrangements for x-rays in NHS Lothian. There are two versions of the form – the first one can be used with labels stuck on to provide patient details, the second version can be used by practices which use Vision as a Vision template.
Radiology Departments Contact Information for Patients to Call To Call Monday to Friday Only | |
Leith Community Treatment Centre (8.30am-4.00pm) | 0131 536 6400 |
East Lothian Community Hospital (8.30am-4.00pm) | 01620 642 732 |
Midlothian Community Hospital (8.30am-4.30pm) | 0131 454 1045 |
Lauriston Building (8.30am-4.00pm) | 0131 536 2942 |
RHCYP (U16s only) (8.30am-4.00pm) | 0131 312 0880 |
RIE (09.00am-5.00pm) | 0131 242 3700 |
SJH (8.30am-5.00pm) | 01506 524 339 or 01506 524 350 |
WGH (8.30am-5.00pm) | 0131 537 2054 |
If referring for assessment to rule out fractured NOF in patients who have had had a fall with hip pain and where A&E referral is not considered appropriate, please see the Radiology Flow Chart [link to GP REQUEST FOR NOF FRACTURE XRAY MARCH 2025] as to where the patient should be seen for x-ray. This is to avoid patients becoming stranded in community radiology clinics if they are found to need acute review.
GPs, If you have any specific questions, please contact the duty radiologist on the numbers below:
WGH: 0131 537 2315 – this number is NOT for patients (see above for relevant patient numbers)
SJH: 01506 524 352 – this number is NOT for patients (see above for relevant patient numbers)
RIE: 0131 242 3572 – this number is NOT for patients (see above for relevant patient numbers)
RHCYP: 0131 312 0120 – this number is NOT for patients (see above for relevant patient numbers
J.B & S.G 25-03-24
Who to refer:
Please click on the link for the relevant body part to access advice on the appropriate imaging examinations.
How to refer:
All referrals for Plain x-rays should be made via SCI Gateway using the Radiology Plain X-ray referral form. (If this is not possible, such as in the event of significant IT failure, please use the appropriate paper X-ray department form)
After referral all plain x-ray requests need to be scheduled in by the patient phoning the appropriate department using the guidance above.