
Vaccination in Alternative Environments

Care Homes

Health and Social Care Vaccination Teams visit Care Homes to offer vaccination to eligible residents. Care Home managers are contacted in advance to arrange visits.

Patient consent forms are dispatched to Care Home teams and eligible residents in advance of visits.

Domiciliary visit for vaccination (housebound).

Health and Social Care Vaccination Teams visit patients who are unable to leave their home to offer vaccination. Eligible patients are contacted by letter at the commencement of a programme to let them know that a home visit team will make a trip to visit them and offer vaccination. 

Patients who receive an invitation to a community clinic who have had a change in their circumstances which means they are now unable to leave their home should phone 0300 790 6296 to request a home visit.


During the COVID-19 and flu programme, inpatients at acute sites are identified by the Inpatient Vaccination Team regularly to ensure newly admitted patients are not missed.

Inpatients at non-acute sites are vaccinated through identification of an eligibility for vaccination by staff those sites.

Prison Population Vaccination

Prison Health Teams offer vaccination to members of the prison population. Eligible patients are identified by Prison Health Teams.