Risk of homelessness
The Edinburgh Housing Advice Partnership (EHAP) delivers free, independent and confidential advice and information to people to enable them to avoid homelessness, in particular a first episode of homelessness, and to secure preventative housing support for those who need it.
This is an Edinburgh wide service operating from a variety of neighbourhood bases and outreach locations.
Housing and Homelessness Support : Edinburgh City Mission to make an online referral
or call 0845 302 4607 9-5 Monday- Friday to make an appointment to see an adviser (answer machine outwith office hours.)
In an emergency after working hours, you can call the Out of Hours Service free phone operated by City of Edinburgh Council.
0800 032 5968
Or in working hours drop in or make an appointment with the Edinburgh Council
Housing Options Team
1a Parliament Square
0131 529 7368
East Lothian
The council’s Homelessness Team is located at
Brunton Hall, Ladywell Way. Musselburgh EH21 6AF
01620 827536
for more information please visit homelessness@eastlothian.gov.uk
In an emergency after working hours the Out of Hours telephone number is 0800 169 1611
Mid Lothian
Contact details for the council Homelessness Section are:
Email: homelessness.enquiries@midlothian.gov.uk
Telephone: 0131 271 3397
Buccleuch House
1 White Hart Street
Midlothian EH22 1AE
For emergency homeless enquiries outwith office hours
Telephone: 0131 663 7211
29 Jarnac Court
EH22 1HU
West Lothian
The Council provides a 24 hour service for people who are homeless or potentially homeless
The Customer Service Centre telephone line operates during and outwith office hours : call 01506 280000
A free phone number is provided at 0800 032 3450, for more information please see Housing Options and Homelessness – West Lothian Council
Moving into Health is a team of health workers who can support people who are homeless or at risk of homelessness and are experiencing health difficulties:
Moving Into Health
Homeless Health Team
West Lothian Civic Centre
Howden South Road
EH54 6FF
Tel: 01506 282010
Who To Refer
Patients who are at risk of losing their home, or who are already homeless
This includes people who may be sofa surfing i.e. staying with family or friends because they have nowhere else to go, people whose current accommodation is unsuitable or unsafe – as well as those who are actually sleeping rough.
Shelter Scotland has clear advice and information on homelessness