

Referral for  x-rays are governed by Ionising Radiation (Medical Exposure) Regulations 2018 and these are the responsibility of the referrer.

Because of these regulations, all X-ray requests must be vetted.  Therefore, please ask the patient/carer to wait ONE WORKING DAY after submission of referral before phoning for an appointment.

NHS Lothian provides outpatient Radiology services on the following sites:

  • Leith Community Treatment Centre
  • East Lothian Community Hospital
  • Lauriston Building
  • Midlothian Community Hospital
  • Royal Infirmary Edinburgh
  • Western General Hospital
  • St John’s Hospital
  • Royal Hospital for Sick Children – Please note that RHCYP services are for children only (aged 0 to 16) NOT adults.

Plain x-rays are available at all these sites. Other investigations are only available at certain sites – please see the relevant guidance.

Follow Up CXRs in Primary Care

In cases where a follow up film has been recommended beyond the standard 4 weeks this will be done and the patient will not be turned away. Please see below further information regarding the arrangements:

follow up CXR arrangements
NHS Lothian

There is a lot of helpful information for patients on the NHS Lothian Radiology page.

S.G & J.B 25-03-24

Who to refer:

Please click on the link for the relevant body part to access advice on the appropriate imaging examinations.

Head and Neck March 2019.pdf
Spine Dec 2022.pdf
Chest & Ribs

Radiology – Testes- Aug 2020.pdfAbdomen March 2019.pdf

Renal Tract  See also Renal Colic KUB


MSK, Bones & Joints


Pelvis & Hip



Foot and Ankle march 2019.pdf


Who not to refer:

Lumps & Bumps (incl Hernia)
Nuclear Medicine Bone ScansBreast All patients with suspected breast lumps, whether male or female, should be referred to the Breast Unit for assessment/ultrasound.

For Paediatric Imaging advice please click on the link to  Paediatric Radiology

How to refer:

For Plain X-rays

All referrals for Plain x-rays should be made via SCI Gateway using the Radiology Plain X-ray referral form. (If this is not possible, such as in the event of significant IT failure, please use the appropriate paper X-ray department form )

After referral all plain x-ray requests need to be scheduled in by the patient phoning the appropriate department using the guidance above.

Please see the Plain X-ray page for more details on referring for Plain X-rays.

For Ultrasound

All referrals for Ultrasound should be made via SCI Gateway using the Radiology – Ultrasound referral form. For general ultrasound requests this referral pathway is available at:

  • Leith Community Treatment Centre
  • East Lothian Community Hospital
  • Lauriston Building
  • Royal Infirmary Edinburgh
  • Western General Hospital
  • St John’s Hospital
  • Royal Hospital for Sick Children – Please note that RHCYP services are for children only (aged 0 to 16) NOT adults

Condition specific referral pathways are only available at certain sites – please see specific guidance regarding this.

For all other Imaging Requests

Please see conditions specific referral pathways for guidance.

There are currently three pathways where results suspicious for cancer will be fast tracked to the GP. The outline of these pathways is as below:

Radiology USOC pathway
NHS Lothian