
Paediatric Psychology and Liaison Service (PPALS)

The Paediatric Psychology and Liaison Service (PPALS) uses psychological approaches to promote health, wellbeing and development.

The service works with children and young people who meet ALL of the following criteria:

  • under the care of an RHCYP/SJH paediatric consultant
  • have a physical health condition
  • are experiencing psychological or behavioural issues related to their physical health condition
  • with difficulties which are impacting significantly on day-to-day functioning.

Examples of presenting difficulties that may be referred to the team include:

  • Difficulties adjusting to a physical health condition or diagnosis
  • Psychological issues (e.g. low mood, anxiety) directly related to a physical health condition
  • Psychological / behavioural issues that are impacting on physical health and wellbeing (e.g. adherence to treatment)
  • Specific anxieties affecting medical care (e.g. ongoing procedural distress despite input from play specialists)

C.M. & K.A. 21-02-25

Who can refer:

  • Referrals are accepted from professionals based within RHCYP / SJH Paediatrics or CAMHS. 
  • Other professionals are also welcome to contact the team about referrals provided the child / young person is under the care of RHCYP/SJH Paediatrics.

Who to refer:

Children and young people who meet all of the following criteria:

  • under the care of a RHCYP/SJH paediatric consultant
  • have a physical health condition
  • are experiencing psychological or behavioural issues related to their physical health condition
  • with difficulties which are impacting significantly on day-to-day functioning.

How to refer:

Please use the PPALS referral form