
Ambulatory Care RIE


For patients referred by their GP with a suspected specified condition that can be seen, diagnosed and treated without the need for admission to hospital in an outpatient type setting.

The clinic operates from three rooms at the back of OPD 6 and is staffed by medical and nursing staff.

The suitability of patients for Ambulatory Care is by the set criteria below. For patients who do not meet the set criteria and are very unlikely to require admission, the GP should be passed to the Ambulatory Care Doctor on the number highlighted below.

Opening hours

Ambulatory Care is open Monday to Friday 9am-4pm with the last appointment at 2.30 pm.

B.C. & R.M. 06-02-25

Who to refer:

  • Patients with NEWS of 1 or less  and very unlikely to require admission
  • Suspected cellulitis of limbs not responding to oral treatment and patient not willing/able to attend OPAT at WGH
  • Suspected DVT

Suspected superficial thrombophlebitis

Who not to refer:

  • Patients with NEWS of 2 or more
  • Patients with chest pain, palpitations or shortness of breath
  • Patients who are immobile or require equipment to transfer
  • Patients who require transport to hospital

Pregnant or 6 weeks post-partum

How to refer:

  • To book an appointment call the Flow Centre on 0131 4464500 Option 1 & then 4