Heart Failure services in NHS Lothian include a weekly Heart Failure clinic, a Heart Failure MDT and a Heart Failure Nurse service.
Heart Failure Consultants:
Dr Alan Japp
Dr Caroline Scally
Dr Martin Denvir
D.R.M. & S.R 08-01-24
Heart Failure Diagnostic Referral Pathway
This pathway has been introduced throughout NHS Lothian to support the diagnosis of heart failure. Please follow the link below to the Heart Failure Diagnostic Referral Pathway flowchart which contains the key information, and also read the “Who to Refer” section below, which details referral criteria.
Follow link for Heart Failure Diagnosis Flowchart opens a new window
Once referred, patients will be triaged to one of two pathways by the heart failure team:
• Heart Failure clinic review
• NT-pro-BNP blood test
Some patients may not be deemed suitable for either of these pathways and may instead be triaged to the General Cardiology outpatient clinic.
Blood tests
When referring your patient, please send bloods according to the Heart Failure Diagnosis order set which can be found on ICE/GPOC. If bloods are not received at the laboratory within two-weeks of the date of referral, the referral will be declined and the GP advised appropriately.
Blood results will be acted on by the Heart Failure team and will be returned to the GP for information only. NT-proBNP testing will only be performed if the patient is triaged to this arm of the clinic.
If the NT-proBNP level is above the diagnostic threshold and the clinical history is consistent with heart failure, then the patient will be seen at the Heart Failure Diagnosis clinic.
If the test result is below the threshold then a letter will be written to the GP with a clinical comment and advice only with no clinic arrangement planned.
NB: Results containing very high levels will be phoned directly to the heart failure team.
Who to refer:
Inclusion criteria
Any patient who meets all referral criteria can be referred via this pathway:
- Exertional or nocturnal dyspnoea: new-onset or major worsening
- No echo or cardiology review (for dyspnoea) within last 12 months
- No history of complex coronary, valvular, arrhythmic or congenital heart disease and not currently under long term supervision by a Cardiology Consultant.
How to refer:
- Please refer via electronic referral using SCI gateway select RIE > Cardiology > Heart Failure clinic > LI heart failure
Please note: this option is only available via the RIE Cardiology drop down menu but the service is available to all patients across Lothian.
- Send bloods according to the heart failure orderset on ICE/GPOC.
Please see Community Heart Failure Nurse Service opens a new window for further advice.
Healthcare Professional Resources
Lothian Heart Failure Diagnosis Flowchart opens a new window
SIGN Guideline 147: http://www.sign.ac.uk/guidelines/fulltext/147/index.html opens a new window
Heart Failure Hub Scotland: www.heartfailurehubscotland.co.uk opens a new window
Chronic Heart Failure NICE guideline: nice.org.uk/guidance/Cg108 opens a new window
ESC guidelines on acute and chronic heart failure: https://www.escardio.org/Guidelines/Clinical-PracticeGuidelines/Acute-and-Chronic-Heart-Failure opens a new window
British Society of Heart Failure: www.bsh.org.uk opens a new window
Scottish Heart Failure Nurse Forum: www.shfnf.co.uk opens a new window
IMProved Anticipatory Care Team opens a new window
Fit for Health opens a new window
Patient Resources
Heart Failure charity: www.pumpingmarvellous.org opens a new window
Chest Heart and Stroke Scotland – Patient Information Leaflets (PILs) including Traffic Lights self care guide, Heart Failure patient forums and newsletters, advice line and support for patients: http://www.chss.org.uk/heart/ opens a new window
European heart failure website: www.heartfailurematters.org opens a new window
Cardiomyopathy Association: www.cardiomyopathy.org opens a new window
British Heart Foundation: www.bhf.org.uk opens a new window