
Vaccination CYP Service

NHS Lothian Vaccination Service – Children and Young People.

Following the transfer of vaccination activity from General Practice in 2022, routine Immunisation of Children and Young People is provided by Children’s Teams based in the 4 Health and Social Care Partnerships (HSCPs) and the Community Vaccination Team (CVT). The CVT covers routine immunisations (see below) and in addition:

  • BCG
  • Hepatitis B for babies born to hepatitis B infected mothers (the  0-5 Vaccination Team).

The HSCPs in Edinburgh, East, Mid- and West Lothian are now responsible for the provision of the following children and young people’s vaccination services:

  • The delivery of the routine COVID-19 immunisation schedules as directed by CMO letter to those aged 5 and over.
  • The revaccination of individuals who have received stem cell or solid organ transplant, revaccination of children post chemotherapy.
  • The delivery of ‘missed’ childhood vaccinations to individuals who have left school and are aged 24 or under, or missed schools-based programmes and associated mop up programmes hosted by CVT.
  • The delivery of additional vaccinations for individuals with underlying medical conditions e.g. post splenectomy.
  • Course completions for individuals who have received emergency vaccination post exposure (e.g. tetanus, hepatitis B).
  • Vaccination in response to outbreak in partnership with Health Protection.

HSCP Vaccination Teams do not provide the following services:

  • Private vaccination requests – (should direct to private provider) or new vaccination programmes not yet agreed by CMO.  
  • Vaccination requests not originally covered by GMS contract 
  • Selective Immunisation Programmes such as:
    • BCG – Covered by Community Vaccination Teams
    • Pertussis & Flu during pregnancy – Covered by Maternity Services
    • Hepatitis B for babies born to Hepatitis B Infected Mothers – Covered by 0-5 Vaccination Team

Routine Vaccinations

For vaccinations which form part of the routine schedule i.e. age-based childhood vaccination programme, flu, Covid, shingles and pneumococcal, it is not necessary for clinicians to submit a referral form.  Eligible patients are identified based on their age or clinical coding at the start of each programme.  If the patient’s clinical coding is correct for eligible conditions, they will be called forward.

Routine Immunisation for Children and Young People

Please see Green Book for schedule of childhood immunisations (chapter 11):

Immunisation against infectious disease – GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)

Young Children (0-4)

Childhood Teams deliver all routine vaccinations (other than COVID-19) to children 0-4 as well as primary and secondary school children. This covers the age range of 0-18 years. Parents or carers of babies and children aged 0-4 will receive an appointment through the post to attend a local community clinic for their child’s vaccinations.

Primary and Secondary School Children

Primary and secondary school children will be vaccinated in school settings. Children will be provided with a consent form for their parent or carer to sign and the school will send information on the vaccinations being administered.  If a child is not at school on the day of vaccination, the school team will ensure the child is vaccinated if consent is in place. To facilitate this, the team provide mop up clinics at the end of every vaccination programme.  Any child who has missed this they will ensure they are included in the future vaccination programme. This may be within the next school term or following school year group depending on the vaccination being given.

Home-Schooled Children

If a child is home schooled, a letter will be sent to their parent / carer with details of how to book an appointment for vaccination.

HPV Vaccinations.

From January 2023 in Scotland, the HPV schedule changed from two doses to one dose for the routine adolescent programme.  If an eligible individual under 25 years of age has started a three or two dose schedule before January 2023 their vaccination is now considered to be complete. They will not be offered another vaccine. A catch-up programme for older boys is not being offered. The JVCI have stated that evidence suggests that boys are benefiting from the girls HPV programme. Boys who are currently in S5 and above who are not MSM are not eligible for a vaccine. Gardasil 9 and Gardasil have been recommended by JVCI for used in a one dose schedule. The two vaccines are considered to be interchangeable. Some individuals may have started their course with Gardasil but will receive Gardasil 9 as the second dose.

Missed Childhood Immunisations

For those still at school, any missed vaccinations can be delivered as part of mop up sessions.  These sessions are usually delivered after the end of each programme and again the next school year, depending on the vaccination being given.  Please direct parents or carers to the NHS Lothian Vaccination Helpline for more information – 0300 790 6296.

People who have left school and missed childhood immunisations can self-refer for these up to the day before their 25th birthday by contacting the NHS Lothian Vaccination Helpline 0300 790 6296.

COVID-19 Vaccination for Children and Young People 

NHS Lothian is responsible for delivering the COVID-19 vaccination to eligible groups.

Additional Vaccines for Individuals with Underlying Medical Conditions

Referral forms are not required for patients in certain groups to be offered the pneumococcal or flu vaccine.  If clinical coding is updated in GP clinical records, patients will be called forward routinely for vaccination by NHS Lothian.

For information regarding these specific groups, see Green Book (chapters 7 and 25):

Immunisation against infectious disease – GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)

When to use the Unscheduled Immunisation Referral Form

Clinicians can make use of the Unscheduled Immunisation Referral Form to request vaccination of individuals who require:

  • Expedited vaccination of flu, Covid, shingles or pneumococcal to co-ordinate delivery with other treatment such as chemotherapy, or to administer in advance of anticipated immunosuppression.
  • Follow-up/completion doses for individuals who have received emergency vaccination post exposure (e.g. tetanus, hepatitis B)
  • Other non-routine, vaccination schedules for individuals with underlying medical conditions as per Green Book guidance (referral is not required for pneumococcal or flu for these patients).
  • Revaccination programmes following stem cell transplant (as per agreed processes with service with Patient Specific Directions [PSD] in place)
  • Revaccination of children following cancer treatment (as per agreed processes with service with PSDs in place)

NB: Please note that any referral that is not in line with routine vaccination schedules as outlined in the Green Book and covered on the attached form or previously agreed with services cannot currently be delivered in line with a Patient Group Directions (PGD); as a result, the referral form must be accompanied by a PSD.

The referral form will need to be sent to the relevant HSCP as each partnership is responsible for administering vaccinations of their residents. Please note the contact emails in the referral form are for professional use only.

For secondary care clinicians advising that a patient requires immunisation on account of an identified risk, please do not write to the patient’s GP, but instead refer the patient directly to the HSCP using the Unscheduled Immunisation Referral Form.

Where confirmation is needed of which HSCP area your patient lives in, please use the postcode lookup below: 

Lothian HSCP Postcodes

To contact the HSCPs, please email as below – for professional use only:

HSCPAdult inbox
​East Lothianloth.elvaccinationenquiry@nhs.scot
West Lothianloth.wlhscpvaccinationenquiry@nhs.scot
HSCPChildren’s inbox
​East Lothianloth.elvaccinationenquiry@nhs.scot
​Edinburgh0-5: loth.edinburghvaccinationteam@nhs.scot
6-18: ​​loth.ehscpctacvaccinationreferrals@nhs.scot
​West Lothianloth.wlhscpvaccinationenquiry@nhs.scot

If you have any other immunisation questions, please contact:  Loth.PHImmunisationQueries@nhs.scot