

June 2024

Encourage patient with active HCV infection to attend a treatment clinic for monitoring & support. All patients co-infected with more than one blood borne virus should be referred to RIDU. More on HCV testing & referral info here: https://apps.nhslothian.scot/refhelp/guidelines/gastrointestinal/liverandbiliary/hepatitisc/  

RefHelp is pleased to release a new RefBites on Sexual Assault Response Coordination Service (SARCS). To know more about this service and what they offer please watch the short video now: https://apps.nhslothian.scot/refhelp/education/refbites-bitesize-learning/ You can send us your feedback via this form: https://forms.office.com/e/v828u8zUzN                  

Two studies for smell loss due to Covid-19. Recruitment via self-referral. Email:

Smell retraining – Different odours are used, 16 week follow up: emily.spencer@napier.ac.uk   

Smell treatment – Qualitative study interviewing people about their experience: D.Carmichael@napier.ac.uk                 

Jun 10th-16th is Carers week! The theme is ‘Putting Carers on the Map’ highlighting their invaluable contribution & ensuring their voices are heard. #RefHelp has a new page on Edinburgh Carer’s Support. Know more about the team & the services offered here: https://apps.nhslothian.scot/refhelp/edinburgh-carer-support/                                           

RefHelp’s ebulletin Issue 13 is published! The summer edition contains news from across various specialties on the website and their updates. This includes information on upcoming events, achievements and much more. A must read for all clinicians! https://apps.nhslothian.scot/refhelp/news/refnews/                                                                           

New page on contraception for those taking valproate medication now added to RefHelp’s Sexual Health section. The page outlines UK’s Valproate pregnancy prevention programme, available contraceptive options, referral & exclusion criteria. More info here: https://apps.nhslothian.scot/refhelp/guidelines/sexualreprohealth/contraception/contraception-for-individuals-using-valproate-medicines/                                                                                 

Please see referral guidance for postmenopausal women with ovarian pathology identified on USS: https://apps.nhslothian.scot/refhelp/guidelines/gynaecology/ovarianpathology/post-menopausal-cysts/

May 2024

April 2024

March 2024                                                

February 2024                                                                                                                                                    

January 2024