
Routine Childhood Vaccinations (Pre-School  & School)

NHS Lothian’s Childhood Vaccination page (internet) gives more details of the routine programmes.

Scottish Immunisation Recall System (SIRS)

Children are added SIRS on the day they are born.  The SIRS system automatically issues appointment letters when patients become eligible. If a patient is not brought to an appointment and misses their immunisation, the SIRS system will automatically recall them.

Routine Pre-School Vaccinations including Seasonal Influenza.

Pre-school vaccinations are delivered in NHS Lothian by the Community Vaccination Team (CVT). Children who move to Scotland should have their immunisation record shared with the Child Health team by their health visitor (reference to the GP record may also need to be made). Children and young people aged 6 years and older who have missed any routine pre-school vaccinations can self-refer using the missed routine childhood vaccination pathway.

Seasonal flu is offered to children:

  • in clinical risk groups aged older than 6 months and not yet at school
  • all children aged older than 2 years and not yet at school.

Please see the Winter Vaccination page for further detail.

Parents and carers are contacted by the immunisation teams to arrange vaccination.

Routine School Vaccinations including Seasonal Influenza.

Routine school-age vaccinations are delivered in NHS Lothian by Community Vaccination Teams in line with UK routine immunisation schedule guidance. COVID-19 vaccinations in the over-5 age group are given by the HSCPs in line with the latest CMO guidance.

Please also see details of the school HPV programme.

In advance of the CVT visiting schools, children are provided with information about the vaccines being offered and a consent form for their parent or carer to sign. For those missing vaccinations – please see missed routine childhood vaccination pathway.

Education representatives in each HSCP liaise with the families of home-schooled children to arrange vaccination with the CVT.