
Pneumococcal PPV Vaccination

A single dose of pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine (PPV) is offered to:

  • all adults aged 65 years and older
  • patients in clinical risk groups aged 2 years and older.

Eligible patients are sent an invitation letter by Health and Social Care Partnership Vaccination Teams.

Re-vaccination every five years is recommended only for those with asplenia, splenic dysfunction or chronic renal disease. For more information on PPV eligibility, please see the Green Book Chapter 25. Infants are also given the vaccine as part of the routine childhood schedule.

Some patients will require expedited vaccination of pneumococcal to co-ordinate delivery with other treatment such as chemotherapy, or to administer in advance of anticipated immunosuppression please see the Non-Routine Vaccination page.

C.M & K.McK 30-12-24