
Recurrent UTIs

Recurrent UTI flowchart
NHS Lothian

PIL link: https://www.baus.org.uk/_userfiles/pages/files/Patients/Leaflets/Recurrent%20cystitis.pdf

J.B. & H.S 01-05-24

Who to refer

Recurrent UTI’s and Red Flags:

  • Persistent pelvic pain or continuous UTI symptoms despite antibiotic treatment:
  • Aged less than 60 – refer to Urology as Urgent
  • Aged 60 and over – refer to Urology as Urgent Suspicion of Cancer

  • History of pelvic cancer – refer to Urology as Urgent
  • History of pelvic radiotherapy – refer to Urology as Urgent
  • History of Urogynae procedures with mesh – refer to Urology as Routine
  • History of complex pelvic surgery – refer to Urology as Routine
  • ≥2 episodes of pyelonephritis– refer to Urology as Routine

Recurrent UTI’s and no Red Flags:


  • Refer to Radiology for urinary tract USS (not renal USS) to include post void residual volume AND refer to Urology as Urgent


  • Refer to Radiology for urinary tract USS (not renal USS) to include post void residual volume. If residual >150mls Refer to Urology as Routine.
  • If infections persist despite trying all measures outlined above:
    • If aged 60 and over – Refer to Urology as Urgent
    • If aged less than 60 years – Refer to Urology as Routine

Who not to refer

  • No red flags, residual volume on scan <150ml and symptoms settle with measures outlined above.

How to refer


Via SCI Gateway          Western General Hospital>Urology>LI Basic Sign Referral


Via SCI Gateway          Clinical Radiology>LI Radiology Ultrasound>Ultrasound Urinary tract  – request to include post void residual volume