Haematospermia is an alarming symptom, but rarely associated with malignancy and most patients can be reassured, particularly for an isolated episode in younger men. STIs and infection needs to be considered, and a full history and examination are required. Rarely, haematospermia can be associated with urological cancers in older men. Uncontrolled hypertension is cited as another cause

Haematuria referral pathways ( Pages being updated Spring 2020) AsymptomaticMicroscopicHaematuriaFrankHaematuriaUrology referral pathway
Recurrent UTI referral pathway (Page in development Spring 2020)
Prostatitis referral pathway
Sexual Health STI referral pathway
R.M & H.S 13-05-20
Who to refer:
- Abnormal DRE or PSA (urgent suspicion of cancer)
- According to guidelines if associated features (eg haematuria)
- Multiple or persistent ‘episodes’ of fresh blood
- Age >40
Who not to refer:
Single ‘episode’, <age 40 and no abnormal test findings
How to refer:
SCI Gateway to Urology at the Western General Hospital