
Speech and Language Therapy (Children and YP)


The NHS Lothian Children’s Speech and Language Therapy department provides a range of services working with families and staff to support children’s communication skills and/or eating, drinking and swallowing needs.

Speech, Language and Communication

When a parent/carer/young person requests assistance from Speech and Language Therapy it is important to provide the correct level of detailed information directly from the person most concerned about the child.  Rather than the GP making this request for assistance or having to formally refer, we would advise you:

  • Suggest the parent/carer makes direct contact with the Speech & Language Therapy Department using the contact details found here
  • Ask the parent to suggest school staff make the request for assistance/referral if the concerns were initially raised by Education.

Eating, Drinking and Swallowing

Speech and Language Therapists can support babies and children who have eating, drinking and swallowing problems. 

Child aged 0-5 years:

If there are eating, drinking and swallowing difficulties alongside ongoing complex medical difficulties (respiratory / neurological / significant developmental delay), a request for assistance can be made directly to Speech and Language Therapy.

  • If there are no indications of aspiration or choking with a child aged 0-5 years, and the problem appears to be sensory or behavioural, then advise parents to contact their Health Visitor for support and advice.

School-aged Child:

If there are no indications of aspiration or choking with a school-aged child, and the problem may be sensory or behavioural, then consider making contact with the CAMHS team.

Who to refer:

Please see above.

How to refer:

The preferred option is for the parent or carer to contact the department directly (see above), so there is no SCI gateway for this pathway. If a professional involved in the child’s or young person’s care wishes to make a request for assistance yourself from Speech & Language Therapy please answer the following questions in your letter:

  1. What is the parent/carer/young person’s main concern?
  2. What is the impact of this?
  3. What other medical professionals, if any, are involved.
  4. If there are eating, drinking and swallowing difficulties: does the child/young person have respiratory difficulties?
  5. Have you considered also referring to community paediatrics where appropriate?

Website for parents with children speech issues / to help promote speech development: Let’s Talk | Speech & Language Therapy | NHS Lothian (scot.nhs.uk) https://www.lets-talk.scot.nhs.uk/