

WISHES (Woman Inclusive Sexual Health Extended Service)

WISHES is an accessible, non-judgemental and holistic service for women with high and complex sexual health needs.  It is a sexual health service with partner agencies providing support with housing, benefits, education, training, sel-esteem, substance use, homelessness etc.  Senior medical staff –  Dr Alison Scott, Dr Nikki Smithson. Senior nursing staff – Liz McDonald, Sue McClelland, Leila Dunn, Sophie Reymbaut.

Who to refer:

All women who have been affected by homelessness, substance or alcohol misuse, involvement with criminal justice and/or prostitution, refugees or others who have complex health needs and would benefit from an inclusion health approach to their care.

Who not to refer:


How to refer:

No formal referral is required.  The service is drop-in but appointments can be arranged. 
Wednesdays – 1.30 – 4pm at Chalmers Centre, 2a Chalmers Street, EH3 9ES
Thursdays – 2-4.30pm at Spittal Street Centre, 22-24 Lady Lawson Street EH3 9DU
Thursdays – 5-7.30pm at Spittal Street Centre, 22-24 Lady Lawson Street, EH3 9DU – WOMEN ONLY

We also provide outreach – please email wishes@nhslothian.scot.nhs.uk if this would be useful, and can be accessed by health professionals and the public.

Contact details

Patients are welcome to contact staff for information about the service.  No results can be given by email.

Email: wishes@nhslothian.scot.nhs.uk

Mobile phone: 07769887112

Professional advice: Alison.m.scott@nhslothian.scot.nhs.uk or nicola.smithson@nhslothian.scot.nhs.uk

Women requiring support with attendance can contact staff from ‘Another Way’ – 07516384340

For any professional advice please email Alison.m.scott@nhslothian.scot.nhs.uk

Chalmers websitehttp://www.lothiansexualhealth.scot.nhs.uk/Services/SpittalStreetWomensClinic/Pages/default.aspx

Another Way projectwww.sacro.org.uk

Click: Providing safety and wellbeing support for women selling or exchanging sex online    https://www.click.scot/