HIV Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) is for individuals at ongoing risk of being infected with HIV. gives more detail about Scottish services.

HIV Post-Exposure Prophylaxis following Sexual Exposure (PEPSE) is for those individuals generally considered to have a risk of >1 in 1,000. This is mostly applies to MSM, but occasionally to women in high-risk situations.
Please also remember that: Undetectable = Untransmittable (U=U). PEPSE is no longer required for exposure to those on treatment with sustained undetectable viral load.

C.M & S.W 20-11-23
Who to refer:
- PrEP – people who are at ongoing risk of contracting HIV.
- PEPSE – anyone at high risk of contracting HIV from sexual exposure within 72 hours of the event.
Who not to refer:
- People who have already tested HIV positive, or not fulfilling the criteria above. Patients being referred by GPs for PrEP through SCI Gateway should have an HIV test done first please.
- Those requiring supplies of PrEP or PEPSE for potential occupational exposure (eg medical student electives) – please refer to the Travel Clinic at the Regional Infectious Diseases Unit, Western General Hospital.
How to refer:
- PrEP – self referral (multiple routes) or SCI Gateway – see above for details.
- PEPSE – to Chalmers (urgent phonecall) during opening hours Mon-Fri and to A&E outwith those times. RIDU provides telephone advice.