
Scottish Driving Assessment Service

Scotland-wide service which offers assessment of medical fitness to drive, including the need for driving modifications where relevant, as a result of a medical condition or disability. 

All assessments are carried out at the SMART Centre, Astley Ainslie Hospital in Edinburgh.

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Who to refer:

Referrals accepted for patients where there is a concern about their medical fitness to drive and / or a potential need for vehicle modifications, or the patient is seeking advice about whether to apply / reapply for a Driving Licence.  Passenger assessments can also be undertaken.

Referrals accepted for patients with any medical condition or disability, as long as there is no legal bar to holding a Driving Licence according to the DVLA guidelines.  Examples of legal issues include recent seizure(s), poor visual acuity (i.e. inability to read a car registration plate at 20m), diplopia, visual field defect, clinically apparent visual inattention or disabling dizzy spells (see link to DVLA website, under Resources and Links for further details).  

How to refer:

Referrals should include all medical information which may be of relevance to driving or accessing a vehicle.  Of particular importance are the following: (a) dates of any medical events / surgical procedures; (b) details of any physical impairment which could affect car control; and (c) information about any cognitive impairment.

Referrals are accepted from NHS Doctors in any Scottish NHS Board area. 

  • GPs should refer via SCI Gateway (NHS Lothian / Astley Ainslie Hospital / Rehabilitation Medicine / SMART- Driving Assessment)
  • Hospital Doctors by letter to Dr Lynne Hutton, Consultant in Rehabilitation Medicine, Scottish Driving Assessment Service, SMART Centre, Astley Ainslie Hospital, Edinburgh EH9 2HL. These letters can be sent either by post, or as an attachment to Loth.ScottishDrivingAssessmentService@nhslothian.scot.nhs.uk

SMART Internet page – https://www.smart.scot.nhs.uk/service/driving-assessment/

UK Government – Assessing fitness to drive: a guide for medical professionals https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/assessing-fitness-to-drive-a-guide-for-medical-professionals