The Prosthetics Service provides upper and lower limb prosthetic treatment to approximately 1500 children and adults primarily from Lothian and the Borders with some patients travelling from other Scottish Health Boards. There is an average of 100 new patients and 3000 outpatient appointments per year. The team consists of Prosthetists, Technicians and Admin staff.

The prosthetic team are experienced in assessing, designing and fitting prostheses appropriate to individual patients and their lifestyle. Our clinicians work as part of a wider multidisciplinary team. Ongoing care is available to ensure the prosthesis is maintained and continues to meet the patients needs. The prosthetics service strives to provide a high level of care for amputees, including those with acquired or congenital limb shortening, to help them reach their mobility potential and activity goals.
The service is appointment only and operates 5 days per week Monday to Friday 0830 – 1630 from the SMART Centre at the Astley Ainslie Hospital.
Prosthetics – SMART Centre (
M.A. & C.O. 10-09-24
New patients on the ward or outpatients will be referred by the Rehab Consultant or MDT team.
Existing patients can initiate follow up by contacting Prosthetics Admin staff by telephone (01315379177, option 3) to request appointments for reviews, adjustments, repairs or consumables as required.
Otherwise patients can be referred by completing a referral form as outlined below.
Who can refer:
Referral forms can be completed by the GP, community therapist, community nurse or any appropriate health profession currently working with the patient.
Who to refer:
Any patient appropriate for prosthetic limb wearing. Please note not all amputees are suitable for a prosthesis.
In order to walk the unilateral amputee has to be able to stand on remaining limb, with minimal knee/hip flexion contracture, amputation wounds need to be healed and the patient needs to have sufficient cardiorespiratory reserve.
Note – existing patients known to the service can initiate follow up by contacting SMART Prosthetics Admin on 01315379177 (option 3).
Who not to refer:
Not all patients with limb loss are suitable for limb wearing. In 2021 45.2% of lower limb amputees were fitted with a prosthesis before discharge from the physio service (SPARG report 2020 and 2021).
How to refer:
Completed referral forms can be emailed to
Alternatively referrals can be made via our website:
Health Professionals – SMART Centre (
SMART Prosthetics Admin can be contacted on 01315379177 (option 3) with any queries related to referrals.
Please see links to patient information leaflets in Resources and Links tab.
If a patient has a wound we would recommend the prosthesis is not worn while this is treated / allowed to heal. Patient should contact the Prosthetics Admin team on 01315379177 (option 3). A new referral is not required for existing patients but we welcome any communication you feel is relevant.
We currently operate a waiting list and patients are triaged and prioritised accordingly.
Patient information leaflets:
Prosthetic-Limb-Service-Introduction-V1.0-A4.pdf (
Lower-Limb-Provision-Appointment-Information-V1.0-A4.pdf (
Prosthetic-Limb-Service-Looking-after-yourself-and-your-prosthesis-V1.0-A4.pdf (
Prosthetic-Limb-Service-FAQ-V1.0-A4.pdf (
Prosthetic-Limb-Service-Troubleshooting-Advice-V1.0-A4.pdf (
Prosthetic-Limb-Service-Useful-Contacts-V1.0-A4.pdf (