This pathway is designed to encourage and support people with a variety of long-term conditions (LTC) to integrate physical activity into their self-management, following rehabilitation, and for ongoing improved quality of life.
This service includes a variety of delivery partners who specialise in supporting individuals who are in need of lifestyle change and physical activity support. Costs can vary across services but will be subsidised.
Collaborative partners on this pathway include:
Enjoy Leisure
- Supported gym groups
- Low level circuit classes
- Various other leisure activities
Ageing Well
- Low Level Group Activity
- Guided Health Walks
- Creative Health – Arts, Crafts, Music
Live Well East Lothian
- Tiered level group based exercise
- Volunteering opportunities
- Signposting to available resources throughout the county
M.O & P.A/C.D.F 06-10-23

Who can refer:
Primary Care: GP’s, Practice Nurses and ANPs via SCI Gateway
AHPs: AHPs within the wider East Lothian Rehabilitation Service
Who to refer:
Residents of East Lothian
Who not to refer:
- Severe aortic stenosis
- Any unstable condition e.g. angina, heart failure, mental health status, diabetes
- Resting tachycardia greater than 100
- Blood pressure greater than 180/100
- Not able to exercise independently
How to refer:
Primary Care Pathway:
Referrals should be made via SCI Gateway
AHP – Physiotherapy > East Lothian – East Lothian Rehabilitation Service > Exercise Referral