The East Lothian Community Physiotherapy pathway is hosted within the East Lothian Rehabilitation Service (ELRS) and is delivered by a team of physiotherapy and assistant physiotherapy practitioners based within the community.
The team’s role is to support patients with physiotherapy input where they are unable to attend an outpatient clinic. This support may include assessment of joint movement, limb strength, mobility and transfers with subsequent provision of exercise programmes, advice and education, walking aids and other equipment to maintain the patient’s abilities to complete essential daily activities at home (either independently or with support of carers/family). This can include onward referral for occupational therapy input as required or other links into community services including 3rd sector volunteers.
The core hours of the service are Monday – Friday 8am – 4pm
M.A. & J.P. 24-11-23
Who can refer:
Carer/family members
Care staff
NHS staff – e.g. DNs, SLT, OT, H@H, AHP’s, Consultants
Who to refer:
Residents of East Lothian
Who not to refer:
Patients who are acutely unwell and at immediate risk of admission, these referrals should be directed to our Prevention of admission service
Patients with potential undiagnosed significant injury (e.g. acute onset significant back pain with risk of potential fracture)
How to refer:
- GP referrals should be made via SCI Gateway:
AHP – Physiotherapy
East Lothian – East Lothian Community Hospital
LI Physiotherapy
- Patient/carer self-referrals via Single Point of Contact Phoneline: 0300 369 0680, open 09.00 – 11.30am
- Email referrals accepted to:
- Paper referrals to: Admin Team, Physiotherapy Department, South Offices, ELCH, Alderston Road, Haddington, EH413PF
Home – Access to a Better Life in East Lothian – ELRS Digital Platform with advice, resources and external links to support self-management and self-assessment for equipment.