Tibial Stress Syndrome, commonly referred to as Shin Splints is a stress reaction resulting from overloading of the muscles of the anterior or posterior compartments of the lower leg.
Usually, the pain presents in the medial 2/3 of the lower leg or anterior shin.
The pain is often described as a dull ache in the lower leg. Tibial Stress Syndrome is commonly caused by sudden increase in levels of physical activity.
M.A. & L.S. 17-05-24
Who to refer:
Anyone regardless of age with anterior or medial lower leg pain suspected to be tibial stress syndrome if self management measures have failed.
Who not to refer:
Patients who are undergoing ongoing management for this condition with another service.
General Advice
- Provide self-management leaflet – MSK conditions of the foot and ankle
- Activity modification to manage symptoms
- Consider pain relief
- If no improvements after following advice for 6 weeks refer or advise patient to self-refer to Podiatry Community Service
For Patients
NHS Lothian Podiatry Patient Information Leaflet: Musculoskeletal conditions of the foot and ankle (
NHS Inform: Exercises for calf and ankle problems:
For Health Professionals
MSK HUB Evidence Base for AHPs: