
Achilles Tendinopathy


Achilles tendinopathy is a common inflammatory/degenerative soft tissue condition characterised by pain on the posterior aspect of the ankle in the region of the Achilles tendon. Achilles tendinopathy is common in active people or those who have recently increased their physical activity and commonly presents as a sharp pain in the posterior ankle when loading the Achilles tendon, this can be accompanied by localised swelling of the tendon or tendon sheath as well as a feeling of stiffness in the tendon. The pathology can be categorised according to anatomical location as either insertional (at the calcaneal junction of the Achilles tendon) or non-insertional (at the mid portion of the Achilles) with insertional tendinopathy being more likely to occur in people with high physical activity such as athletes while non-insertional tendon injury tends to occur in older, less active individuals.

M.A. & L.S. 17-05-24

Who to refer:

Anyone regardless of age with posterior pain suspected to be Achilles tendinopathy, if self management measures have failed. 

Who not to refer:

Patients who are undergoing management for this condition with another service.

​General advice

  • Provide patient leaflet – Achilles Tendinopathy self-treatment guide
  • Consider pain relief
  • If no improvements after following advice for 6 weeks refer or advise patient to self-refer to Podiatry Community Service

For Patients

NHS Lothian Podiatry Patient Information Leaflet    Achilles tendinopathy self-treatment guide (nhslothian.scot)

For Health Professionals

NHS Inform: Exercises for foot problems https://www.nhsinform.scot/illnesses-and-conditions/muscle-bone-and-joints/exercises/exercises-for-foot-problems