Our Wellbeing Service provides a wide range of group and 1:1 sessions to help you to improve your physical and emotional wellbeing, to learn how to self-manage your symptoms and their impact on your life, and achieve the things that are important to them.
The service is provided from the Wellbeing Studios in the Hospice, community venues, and on our ward. Some sessions can be provided via phone or video link.
Details of all sessions are available on the St Columba’s Hospice Care website and can be booked online.
You can book a place by visiting our website Wellbeing Sessions ( or by emailing us at or phoning us on 0131 551 1381 (option 4). If you have any questions or wish to talk to us about options that may suit you, please get in touch.
M.A & B.W. 28-06-24
Who can refer:
Health and Social Care professionals including GP, DN, AHP , Social Worker, Clinical Nurse Specialist, Acute Medical team- with person’s consent
Third sector workers e.g. Improving the Cancer Journey – with person’s consent
Who to refer:
People living with a life-limiting condition, their carers, friends and family members living in North East and North West Edinburgh and East Lothian.
Some Session are also appropriate for those who have been recently bereaved.
People do not need to be known to wider St Columba’s services to access support from Wellbeing Service.
Who not to refer:
How to refer:
Wellbeing Sessions can be booked online at, or by emailing or phoning us on 0131 551 1381 (option 4).