
St Columba’s Family Support Team

St Columba’s Family Support Team

The hospice service recognises that incurable illnesses can be difficult for everyone involved. The Family Support Team supports people with incurable illness and those around them. It offers a range of services for patients, their family, friends and supporters including:

  • Counselling and listening support for people with an incurable illness
  • Information and support for those currently caring for someone with an incurable illness
  • Support, information and advice for families with children to help prepare for what the future holds, practically and emotionally including support with keepsake and memory work.
  • Bereavement support for adults and children
  • Pre- and post- bereavement support for children and young people

On the St Columba’s website there is information on the Family Support Team for family members, friends and supporters, including advice on how to explain incurable illness to children, information on how to access support and counselling, and practical information on coping with bereavement.

M.A & T.D. 18-09-24

Who can refer:


Health and Social Care professionals including  GP, DN, AHP , Social Worker, Clinical Nurse Specialist,  Acute Medical team- with person’s consent

Third sector workers e.g. Improving the Cancer Journey – with person’s consent

How to refer:

Please contact the Family Support Team on 0131 551 7760