Physiotherapy Service
The paediatric musculoskeletal physiotherapy service provides assessment to infants, children and young people presenting with musculoskeletal conditions from the City of Edinburgh, Mid Lothian and East Lothian.
We are primarily based at RHCYP and have clinics based throughout Lothian. We aim to provide appointments as close to home as possible as our capacity allows.
We accept referrals for patients aged 0-15 (up until their 16th birthday). Referrals can be made via SCI Gateway and will be triaged daily.
If you have any queries regarding a referral, please contact our physiotherapy team on 0131 312 1079
M.A. & P.H. 20-01-25
Who can refer:
We accept referrals from General Practitioners and other health care professionals.
We also accept self referrals for patient’s who have previously been assessed in the physiotherapy department and are re-presenting with the same / similar condition.
Who to refer:
We accept referrals for patients aged 0-15 (up until their 16th birthday)
Please refer the following patients for urgent review:
- Significantly reduced ROM with/without trauma
- Post surgical patients + post cast removal of complex patients
- Avulsion # Hip/Pelvis
- Recent dislocation patella and shoulder following medical assessment
- Back and Neck Pain in child 10 and under.
- Spinal pathway for scoliosis assessment for band 7 ( 4- 6 weeks as agreed )
- Torticollis / SMT
- Concerns over potential Chronic Regional Pain Syndrome
- New atraumatic altered gait ( please see Limp –
We have a wide range of information leaflets available on common paediatric musculoskeletal conditions. These leaflets provide an explanation and detail the management for each condition. These leaflets are available on the main orthopaedic page and can be accessed via this link: .
Please provide the appropriate leaflet to the patient prior to referring where possible.
- Pain after participation in sports / activities (such as osgood schlatters, anterior knee pain, severs)
- Back Pain 11 years and over
- Patients provided with advice however symptoms are persisting.
Who not to refer:
- Presence of red flags – please direct to orthopaedics
- Inflammatory conditions – please direct to rheumatology
- Patients from West Lothian – please refer to SJH team
- Patient aged 16 and over – please refer to adult MSK services
How to refer:
Referrals can be made via SCI Gateway (AHP – Physiotherapy > Edinburgh – Royal Hosp. Children & Young People) and will be triaged daily.
If you have any queries regarding a referral, please contact our physiotherapy team on 0131 312 1079
Leaflets are located for each condition (
We have a wide range of information leaflets available on common paediatric musculoskeletal conditions. These leaflets provide an explanation and detail the management for each condition. These leaflets are available on the main orthopaedic page and can be accessed via this link: