


The Out-patients team at RHCYP offers a phlebotomy service for very young children.  Please only request the use of this service where the child or young person can’t have a blood test at the practice.  The phlebotomy spaces are precious so are not suitable for older children that can tolerate blood taking reasonably well. The service is regularly monitored to ensure appropriate use and sustainability. 

Details are on the RHCYP website, including a video showing how blood tests are arranged and what children can expect.  It includes the appointment booking lines, EMLA cream instructions, plus real pictures inside the RHCYP to help children prepare.  The link to that page is: https://children.nhslothian.scot/children/blood-tests/

Protocol for phlebotomy at RHCYP Edinburgh

  1. Order the blood test(s) on ICE via Vision/EMIS by ticking the appropriate boxes in the usual way.
  2. Complete the requestors name and clinical details.
  3. Before confirming the request, select the ‘print labels later’ tab for each test group.
  4. Give the following phone number to the parent / carer and ask them to phone for an appointment: 0131 312 1548.
  5. Please advise the parent / carer there is a short waiting list for tests – likely to be around 4-5 weeks.
  6. For urgent requests, this can be discussed between the requesting clinician and the RHCYP Out-patient appointments team on the above number. If it cannot be accommodated in the required timescale, the request should be discussed with the most appropriate Paediatric service for the patient’s symptoms (GI, Endocrine, Renal, etc).
  7. Please provide a prescription for EMLA and instructions for use (including dressing advice)

GP’s will also be required to prescribe EMLA and appropriate dressings for application an hour before the appointment.

Please could you also ensure that parents are advised of the correct way to apply the cream. We would recommend this is applied on both antecubital fossae.

How to put EMLA on

  1. Gently squeeze the tube so the cream goes straight onto the area of skin to be treated.
  2. Do not rub it in.
  3. Place a waterproof dressing over the cream to keep it in place. (The dressings come with the cream.)
  4. Make a note of the time that you put the cream on.
  5. As soon as you’ve finished putting the cream on, wash your hands carefully with soap and water.
  6. When the child / young person is about to have their procedure, the dressing will be removed and any excess cream wiped off with a tissue. This may not be needed if the cream has soaked into the skin.
  7. Don’t worry if the area of skin where the cream was applied looks quite white – this is very common and is nothing to worry about.

Phlebotomy service in West Lothian

The paediatric phlebotomy service at St Johns Hospital accepts requests from Primary Care via electronic referral using SCI Gateway. Referrals should be directed to St Johns Hospital  > Paediatrics > LI Basic Sign Referral and marked ‘ Advice only’, with a list of the bloods requested .

An appointment will then be sent by our Paediatric Ward clerkess at SJH to  the family to attend our Programmed Investigations Unit. EMLA/ dressings do not need to be prescribed for these children. 

Our current waiting time can be up to 4 weeks and we cannot offer URGENT appointments unless discussed with the Middle Grade Paediatrician on duty who can be contacted through switchboard.

Please note the requesting GP is responsible for the follow up of results.

C.W & S.M 28-04-23