


Often simply a normal variant.

Can be associated with flat feet.  Will usually resolve spontaneously over time.

Sometimes when babies first start walking they turn one or both feet out to help improve their stability – this is normal and should resolve over time.

If presenting in older children as new onset out toeing think SCFE (can be unilateral or bilateral).

M.A. & M-J.S. 17-04-24

Insoles and exercises will not correct this, neither will stretches

Referral to Physiotherapy is generally not necessary.

When to refer on to Paediatric orthopaedics:

  • concern regarding DDH or SCFE
  • stiffness in hip/hips or concern one leg is different length to the other
  • if the presentation is unilateral, new or worsening
  • pain
  • functional / ADL difficulties