
Degenerate Meniscal Tear


  • Middle age
  • Pre existing early OA
  • Minimal injury
  • History of overuse eg DIY
  • Limp
  • Restricted work
  • Localised joint line pain
  • Possibly swelling


  • Limp
  • Effusion
  • Joint line tenderness
  • Possible painful block to extension
Unable to kneel, squat or Duck waddle- image from NHS Lothian Medical Photography.

Secondary care referral

  • No indication unless true, mechanical locking

Primary care investigations

  • X-Ray – AP standing & lateral to confirm presence of OA

Primary care treatment

  • Analgesia
  • PRICE (Protection, Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation)
  • Physiotherapy
  • Advice – not all degenerate tears need surgery 
  • Weight loss as appropriate
  • Corticosteroid injection