
ACL Injury


  • Young to middle aged
  • Fall with significant twist – often buckles inwards (valgus)
  • Frequently non contact injury especially in females
  • Sports injury contact to lateral aspect of knee
  • Pain++
  • Heard pop/tearing sound
  • Rapid onset swelling (haemarthrosis)
  • Difficulty WB
  • Possible previous episode of injury
  • Knee giving way/instability


  • Limp
  • Ongoing swelling
  • Loss of range of movement
  • May also have injured MCL

​Secondary care referral

  • Refer to Orthopaedics

Primary care investigations

  • X-Ray – AP & lateral to exclude #

Primary care treatment

  • Analgesia
  • PRICE (Protection, Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation)
  • Walking aids eg crutch
  • Physiotherapy