
Heel Pain


Plantar Fasciitis is the most common cause of heel pain. There are a few other causes such as Baxter’s nerve entrapment and radicular pain, but the vast majority are a painful thickening of the plantar fascia as it attaches onto the calcaneus. This causes heel pain which is worse first thing in the morning and worse on activity.

In the vast majority of patients, the symptoms will resolve with non-operative management.

M.A. & J. McK. 17-09-24

Who can refer:


Who to refer:

  • Failure to respond to non-operative treatment of at least 3 months

Who not to refer:

  • Patients who have not engaged in non-operative management
  • Patients who have not seen community podiatry

How to refer:

SCI gateway (Lauriston Buildings > Orthopaedics – Foot and Ankle)


Patient has been seen by podiatry

Length of time since symptoms started

Non-operative management tried.