
Carpal Tunnel

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

This condition involves the compression of the median nerve at the wrist.

NICE guidelines for management of carpal tunnel syndrome in primary care:

What we will see

  • Early <6 months intermittent pins and needles in median nerve distribution (thumb/index/middle and half ring finger).

What we won’t see

The following should be referred to secondary care:

  • Persistent pins and needles +/- muscle weakness and wasting in median nerve distribution (thumb/index/middle and half ring finger)
  • The diagnosis is unclear.
  • There are persistent symptoms despite a trial of conservative treatment(s) in primary care.
  • There are progressive symptoms or severe disease impacting on daily function.
  • There are recurrent or persistent symptoms following carpal tunnel surgery.

Secondary care options include Plastic Surgery/Hand Surgery or Neurology

​Nocturnal wrist splint to hold the wrist in a neutral position.