Calcific tendinopathy- Considerations relating to diagnosis
- Calcific tendonitis typically calcification within a viable and well vascularised rotator cuff
- Mean age of presentation 30-50 years
- Can be classified into formative and resorptive phases
- Confirm diagnosis with x-ray
- Formative phase may extend from 1 to 6 years and is usually asymptomatic
- Resorptive phase extends from 3 weeks up to 6 month
- During the acute resorptive phase the patient usually presents with severe symptoms. Typically severe pain all over the shoulder
- Dystrophic calcification is calcification within a non viable and poorly vascularised rotator cuff and common to see with other signs of degenerative changes
Carefully consider red flags relating to the shoulder as the symptoms and signs associated with acute calcific tendinopathy often mimic malignant pain
M.A. & P.A. 13-03-23