
Cervical and Thoracic Spine

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​MSK Physiotherapy for people with cervical and thoracic spine problems is provided at a local level. Integrated pathways for people with cervical and thoracic spine problems is currently under development to be provided as part of the NHS Lothian Integrated Spinal Pathway (June 2021). Until the launch of the NHS Lothian Integrated Spinal Service it may be required to refer the patient back to the GP/ other primary care clinician for consideration of onward referral to a secondary care service if it is felt that this is the best course of management.

The NHS Lothian integrated spinal pathway is a multidisciplinary collaboration. The service is based on the principles of the right care, from the right person, at the right time in the right place. The service will offer a single point of access for patients with routine cervical and thoracic spine problems who require referral for their problem following failure to improve with initial primary care management.

Once within the service patients will be able to access all the multidisciplinary services that are required for their problem including physiotherapy, investigation, surgical opinion and pain clinic opinion. There will be no need for patients to return to their GP to seek additional referrals or investigations for their cervical and/or thoracic spine problem. The service will be underpinned by agreed pathways, escalation criteria and multidisciplinary clinics.

M.A & P.A. 15-09-23

Who to refer:

People with cervical and thoracic problems who have not responded to initial primary care management, do not have the presence of significant red flags or other exclusion criteria. Examples include non-specific neck pain, thoracic pain, radicular arm pain/ cervical radiculopathy, whiplash associated disorders, degenerative cervical spine disease, torticollis,

For further support & guidance and refer to:

Decision Tool

Spine pathways | Right Decisions (scot.nhs.uk) opens a new window

Neurology- Neck and Arm pain advice and pathway – Ref help opens a new window

How to refer:

Refer via SCI Gateway Referral “AHP-Physiotherapy” then choose local site.

Please provide as much detail as possible to help the triage process.

Important notes:

  • June 2021- ongoing pilot of development of NHS Lothian Integrated Back Pain Service towards Lothian integrated Spinal Service (to be launched in due course)