Lung Conditions (including COPD) with Depression or Anxiety
This cCBT programme is for people with mild to moderate symptoms of depression and anxiety who are living with a formal diagnosis of a long-term lung condition. It is not suitable for those undertaking treatment for cancer and/or receiving end-of-life care.
The programme aims to relieve symptoms of depression and anxiety through cCBT. This programme is NOT suitable for individuals who need specific, targeted input to address self-management of their lung condition.
Please provide patients with the patient information leaflet on the cCBT lung conditions programme. There is also a patient leaflet on the SilverCloud programme itself.
Please see below and Resources and Links page for referral details.
C.M 05-04-23
The main cCBT page gives details of how to refer through SCI Gateway or using the SilverCloud referral form for those without that access.