Midlothian Community Mental Health Team (Medical, Nursing and OT)
The service aims to assess and treat people aged 18-64 who have or are suspected or diagnosed moderate to severe mental illness / mental disorder. This includes, for example: psychotic disorders such as schizophrenia/delusional disorders, severe mood disorders such as bipolar affective disorder/agitated depression, severe unmanaged personality disorder.
The service is based at:
No 11, 11 St Andrews Street. Dalkeith. EH22 1AL
Tel: 0131 285 9600.
Mild to Moderate Mental Illness.
Midlothian offers a range of mental health services, for those with mild to moderate mental illness:

Please also note the services available on the Resources and Links page.
Midlothian Psychological Therapies Service
Self-referrals for psychological therapies service can be via the Midlothian Access Point (MAP). Self-referral 07779 565607 Open to people aged 18 to 65 yrs.
Health in Mind | Midlothian Access Point (health-in-mind.org.uk).
If self-referral is not appropriate, referral can be made by a GP or Primary Care Nurse via Sci Gateway to Midlothian Adult Psychiatry ( non-urgent) >>LI Psychological Therapies Service. Please refer to Mental Health (Psychology & Psychosocial) – RefHelp (nhslothian.scot) for further information on resources such as guided self-help, healthy reading, stress control and exercise therapy.
Same day distress intervention / crisis support.
MHARS (Mental Health and Resilience Service) provides same day self-referral access for anyone who resides in Midlothian seeking support with their mental health and mental wellbeing. This service will work in partnership with Penumbra, offering crisis support, and or distress brief interventions. Please note that this service is not a direct route to psychiatry and is not a diagnostic or prescribing service.
The service is for people aged 18+ (without cognitive impairment) and open Monday to Sunday 8am-10pm. Self-Referral: 0800 118 2962.
For Community Mental Health Team
Please refer via SCI Gateway and see Mental Health (Adult) – RefHelp (nhslothian.scot) for details for individual conditions.
Timescale for referrals:
Routine – no urgent requirement for patient to be seen within 5 days. If a person’s clinical needs mean that their referral, while not urgent, should be considered as a priority please make that clear in the SCI Gateway referral and explain the clinical reason for this.
Urgent – within 5 working days. The service aims to see first episode psychosis within 3 days. Please refer via SCI Gateway.
Emergency – emergency referrals requiring same day input, please call Midlothian IHTT 07976842093 to discuss: Midlothian Mental Health IHTT – RefHelp (nhslothian.scot)
Who can refer:
GPs and Primary Care Nurses Via Sci Gateway.
Other professionals Ward/Liaison/No 11 services can request consideration of a referral by providing a detailed SBAR pro forma.
If in doubt about a referral, or seeking advice, OT, nursing and medical staff are very happy to have a discussion. This can either be done in person by speaking to the relevant staff face to face or by telephone or by email: 0131 285 9600- FOR PROFESSIONAL USE ONLY.
Who to refer:
- People aged 18-64 who have or are suspected or diagnosed moderate to severe mental illness / mental disorder.
- People over 18yrs who are suspected to have neurodiversity or those with existing Neurodiversity with significant functional impairment for diagnosis and mental health support. In addition to the assessment forms on the Neurodiversity pages below, information around functional impairment can be provided to the Midlothian CMHT using the ‘Neurodevelopmental Functional Difficulties Questionnaire’ in the resources section.
Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) and Aspergers (Adults) – RefHelp (nhslothian.scot)
AD(H)D in Adults – RefHelp (nhslothian.scot)
- In case of emergency referrals (including perinatal mental health emergencies) requiring same day input, please call Midlothian IHTT 07976842093 to discuss: Midlothian Mental Health IHTT – RefHelp (nhslothian.scot) and Emergencies Mental Health (Adults) – RefHelp (nhslothian.scot).
Who not to refer:
Condition | Resource/Service | Contact/Link |
Mild to moderate mental health conditions | Primary Care Mental Health Nurse Midlothian Access Point | GP practice Health in Mind | Midlothian Access Point (health-in-mind.org.uk) MAP Self-Referral 07779 565607 |
Pregnant Patients (excluding Emergencies) | Pan Lothian Perinatal Mental Health service. (Emergency assessments should be referred to Midlothian IHTT) | Perinatal Mental Health – RefHelp (nhslothian.scot) |
Eating Disorders | Pan Lothian Eating Disorders service | Eating Disorders (Adults) and Cullen Centre – RefHelp (nhslothian.scot) |
Primary presenting problem substance misuse or Alcohol problem/dependency | Substance Use Service supports adults aged 18 years and older who are experiencing difficulties related to alcohol and/or drug use. If urgent & requiring treatment intervention, please refer to Midlothian Substance Use Treatment Service via SCI Gateway. Or encourage individual to contact the MELD contact service on 07843339958 | Mid-East Lothian Alcohol & Drug Services – RefHelp (nhslothian.scot) MELD Self-Referral 07843339958 |
Adults with a Learning Disability with Mental Health Illness. | Community Learning Disabilities Team via Sci Gateway | Learning Disability Adult – RefHelp (nhslothian.scot) |
How to refer:
- Sci Gateway – Mental Health >> Midlothian Adult Psychiatry (non-urgent) >> LI Midlothian Adult Psychiatry.
- Emergency assessment (same day) – please phone Midlothian Mental Health IHTT 07976842093 or 0131 285 9624. 08:00H -24:00H. Out with these times, contact MHAS on 0131 286 8137.
Please see Midlothian IHTT for further detail.
The Midlothian Council website provides information on Midlothian Mental Health Services, including addiction.
A wider range of services is available through Midspace | Mental Health and Wellbeing Midlothian.
Midlothian access point (MAP) is open to people aged 18 to 65 who are registered with a GP in Midlothian and who are looking to improve their mental health and wellbeing. Self-referral 07779 565607
Health in Mind | Midlothian Access Point (health-in-mind.org.uk)