Fit for Health is a physical activity programme delivered by Edinburgh Leisure in partnership with Edinburgh Health and Social Care partnership
Patients must be registered with an Edinburgh GP Practice, aged 16+ and be safe, able and motivated to exercise
Classes are delivered within Edinburgh Leisure venues.

Who to refer:
Patients must be registered with an Edinburgh GP Practice, aged 16+ and be safe, able and motivated to exercise
You can refer patients who meet one or more of the following health conditions:
Cardiovascular Disease Peripheral Artery Disease; Coronary Artery Disease; high Blood Pressure (stable and medicated); high Cholesterol (medicated); previous MI (6 months post event or completion of cardiac rehabilitation) | Respiratory Disease Stable COPD (not during exacerbation); controlled Asthma; Other stable long term respiratory diseases |
Diabetes & Pre Diabetes Type 1 & Type 2 (stable and controlled) At risk of developing Diabetes (referrer to base this on knowledge of the individual’s risk factors) | Heart Failure |
Chronic Pain Management Chronic Pain (i.e. lasting for 1 year + ) for which exercise could have a beneficial impact on physical and/or psychological functioning | Liver Disease Non-alcoholic fatty liver tissue disease, and other chronic liver conditions whereby improved physical activity could improve psychological and /or psychological functioning |
Cancer Before, during and up to 5 years post treatment; stable and controlled cardiac & respiratory conditions; no reports of black outs or drop attacks; no unstable or acute neurological conditionPrecautions – recent surgery (within the last 12 weeks); Bony metastasis; Peripheral Neuropathy; Osteoporosis; Avascular Necrosis; Balance problems; Impaired cognition limiting the ability to follow simple instructions | Arthritis Any arthritic condition for which exercise supports rehabilitation, improved conditioning and increased ability to self manage e.g. osteoarthritis |
Who not to refer:
- Patients on medication with side effects that may be impacted by physical activity
- Any unstable condition which could be negatively exacerbated by participation
- Cognitive impairment or mental health problems to a degree which makes participation significantly difficult
- Patients with learning difficulties which impacts in their ability to participate (carers are welcome to support)
- Obesity only (should be referred via Weight Management pathway)
How to refer:
- Provide the patient with Fit the Health information leaflet
- Complete a Fit for Health referral form and email to:
- If you have any questions, please contact: Long Term Conditions Development Officer 0131 458 2260 or email
Fit for Health Development Officer 0131 458 2100 or email