B.C. & M.M. 13-05-24
Who to refer:
Women with ovarian pathology identified on USS (see flowchart)
Who not to refer:
This guideline relates to women in whom ovarian pathology has been identified on USS. It does not relate to women presenting with acute symptoms in which a diagnosis of an ovarian cyst accident is suspected. In such cases, patients should be discussed with the on-call gynaecology doctor via switchboard.
How to refer:
Sci-Gateway > RIE or SJH > Gynaecology > Ovarian Pathology
Tumour markers, when indicated, can be checked at any point during the menstrual cycle.
Follow up ultrasound scans, where indicated within the flowchart, can be requested upon receipt of the index scan report. It is helpful to note in the referral text that it is a 4-month interval scan.
RCOG Green-top Guideline No. 62. Management of Suspected Ovarian Masses in Premenopausal Women https://www.rcog.org.uk/en/guidelines-research-services/guidelines/gtg62/
RCOG Green-top Guideline No. 34 Ovarian Cysts in Postmenopausal Women https://www.rcog.org.uk/en/guidelines-research-services/guidelines/gtg34/