Please see the SCCRS – Scottish Cervical Call-Recall System Cervical-Screening-Sample-Takers-Housekeeping-Reminders.pdfand the resources and links section below for the most up to date information on cervical screening.
Any screening related enquiries can be sent to

Normal cervix

Atrophic cervix / vagina
Cervix +/- vagina may appear vascular / red after menopause due to atrophy
→ May benefit from topical estrogen if symptomatic

Cervical Cancer
Fungating +/- ulcerated lesions, irregular, friable
→ Refer to colposcopy as USOC

Cervical polyps
Usually benign / smooth outpouching of the lining of the cervix
→ Refer routinely to general gynaecology for removal

Cervical ectropion / ectopy
→ Only requires treatment if causing bothersome symptoms (PCB or excessive discharge) and patient wishes intervention

Nabothian follicles
Physiological (blocked glands)
→ No intervention required

Prior LETZ treatment (at colposcopy)
Scarring / may appear like an ectropion / will persist after menopause
→ Manage like an ectropion
All the images above are with permission from the NHS Cancer Screening Programmes.
B.C. & C.G. 27-11-24