
Grapevine Community Respiratory Support Service

Grapevine Community Respiratory Support Service

​Grapevine Community Respiratory Support Service provides local disability information and advice for people affected by Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease and other respiratory conditions and has now been extended to people who have developed Long Covid respiratory symptoms. Support is provided on a free, confidential and independent basis in Edinburgh.

Lothian Centre for Inclusive Living (LCiL) are working together with Edinburgh Health and Social Care Partnership to provide this service. It is funded for 2 days per week and there is limited capacity. Please note that someone may be placed on a waiting list due to demand.

Assistance and information can be provided on the following:

  • disability benefits – benefits check/information on how to claim benefits/assistance to complete PIP, Attendance Allowance forms and ESA Work Capability Questionnaires, support with benefit appeals.
  • finance
  • transport/travel
  • housing
  • self-directed support
  • community care
  • employment/education
  • equality and access issues

Support is currently provided either by phone, video call or email. Home visits have resumed and are offered on an essential basis only at the moment

There is a factsheet opens a new window which can be printed out and given to patients

Who to refer:

  • Adults (16 years and over) with chronic respiratory conditions, including Long Covid.
  • Patients must be registered with an Edinburgh GP.
  • Patients must already be engaged with health or social care services.

How to refer:

Referrals need to be from health and social care practitioners such as GPs, practitioners from hospital and community respiratory teams, social workers, practice nurses and NHS link workers.

Self-referral is not accepted.

Complete a Grapevine referral form opens a new window and email to:

loth.grapevine@nhslothian.scot.nhs.uk opens a new window

The Grapevine Information Officer will then contact the person by letter/email in order to discuss the referral and how they can assist them or signpost them.