
ENT Dizziness and Balance


Intermittent short lived non-positional balance disturbance is very common in all age groups and is probably multifactorial. It is not indicative of any specific or treatable pathology.  It does tend to settle over a year or so. Strong reassurance is often all that is required but encourage patients to keep on moving as this helps with habituation.

ENT Balance Clinic

This is a specialised multidisciplinary clinic to investigate those who do not have BPPV and where history and examination makes an otological condition likely.  Staff include 


Multiple studies have shown that in patients referred to Balance Clinics:

ENT specialists, a specialist Vestibular Audiologist and access to a balance physiotherapist, hearing tests and other Audiology services.  

According to the history and examination, it may be advisable to exclude anaemia, diabetes or thyroid disorder.

The history is key, with four main groups of patients:

The ENT balance team will ask patients to complete a symptom questionnaire online prior to being given an appointment, with the option of a phone call for those who cannot manage this.

ENT Dizziness and Balance
flowchart copyright of NHS Lothian

Link 1- BPPVBenignParoxysmalPositionalVertigo.aspx opens a new window

Link 2- Dizziness.aspx opens a new window

Link 3- Advice for management of migraine in primary care (nhslothian.scot) opens a new window

Please see the Primary Care Management page for more detail.

Who to refer:

Who not to refer:

Those with vestibular migraine:

  • Standard Primary Care  treatments are outlined management of migraine opens a new window
  • Please refer to Neurology for those not responding to first line treatments
  • People over 65, particularly with co-morbidities, where the indications are that this is multifactorial – please see Dizziness opens a new window
  • Those with syncopal or pre-syncopal symptoms – please refer to Cardiology if suspicion of cardiac disease or arrythmias.

How to refer:

To ENT via SCI Gateway (specific SCI Gateway referral pathway under development).