ENT Outpatient Clinics
All appointment queries need to be directed to WBH (Woodburn House, Astley Ainslie): 0131 536 4167
Secretary Team Lead: 0131 536 3745
Preadmission: 01506 523 386
IP Waiting List: 01506 523379/523380/523397/522025
Audiology Services
Audiology services Booking: 0131 536 1637
Hospital for Sick Children & Young People
- Appointments: 536 0150/0814
Waiting List: 536 0514
Western General Hospital
- There are now no OP or IP clinics at the WGH
ENT Inpatients, St John’s
- Secretaries: 01506 523402/522025
- Ward: 01506 524119
St John’s Hospital Livingston
- New Appointments: 01506 522180 (52180 internal)
- Return Appointments: 01506 523402/523404/523405
- Waiting List: 01506 523414 (523414 internal)
East Lothian Community Hospital (“Roodlands” on Google Maps)
ELCH Appointments: 0131 537 8444
ELCH Records: 0131 537 8323