We regret that we are unable to accept referrals where the skin lesion/rash has not been seen by the referring clinician (either face-to-face or after viewing a good quality digital image).
Where possible, please attach images to your SCI Gateway referral using the guidance provided below.
The National Digital Dermatology programme
The pass-through app is now available to all Primary Care referrers within Lothian to take photos and attach them to the Sci Gateway referral. The Consultant Connect app will be downloadable onto your phone from the Apple and Google Play stores and provide ‘pass-through’ image capture.

Programme overview and Key documents – ANIA Digital Dermatology SharePoint Home Page

ANIA Training and Education Slides: https://scottish.sharepoint.com/:p:/s/DigitalDermatology-ANIAValueCase/ESqDus_Bf6lIqD2CJx9u6_4BkY3HmeSWj_64BLpobpmvuA?e=vXv2s0
NES TURAS Website (no login required): https://learn.nes.nhs.scot/78219

Digital Support
Email: aniadigitalsupport@nhs.scot
CfSD Innovation Project Team
Email: gjnh.cfsdinnovationteam@gjnh.scot.nhs.uk
- Out-patients and In-patients – Contact Details
- Specialist clinics
R.C 18-05-23
Who to refer & Who not to refer:
The following topics are covered by this referral advice. Clinicians are asked to follow the Primary Care Management guidance on RefHelp whenever possible prior to making any referral. Referrals may be declined unless there is a clearly documented valid clinical reason why this is not the case.

How to refer:
- Adults (Aged 16 or over at the date of referral)
SCI Gateway –LB/SJH/ELCH-dermatology
- Children (Aged under 16 at the date of referral)
SCI Gateway- RHCYP-dermatology
- Note the exception for Children with acne vulgaris aged 13 or over at the date of referral should be referred to Adult dermatology
- The more detail you are able to provide with regard to the history and description of the lesion/rash in question, the better able we are to triage appropriately.
- Attaching photos to referrals – RefHelp
- SCI-Gateway referral protocols for lesions are now asking if a dermatoscopic image has been sent. This currently applies to those practices who are taking part in a trial of using dermatoscopes in Primary Care – please just tick no if you are not part of this process.